“First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.”
(Michael Caine)
“The best research for playing a drunk is being a British actor for 20 years.”
(Michael Caine)
“My career is going better now than when I was younger. It used to be that I'd get the girl but not the part. Now I get the part but not the girl.”
(Michael Caine)
“I'm every bourgeois nightmare - a Cockney with this intelligence and a million dollars”
(Michael Caine)
Feliz 76 Cumpleaños a Michael Caine. A veces no valoramos a los grandes monstruos del celuloide hasta que es muy tarde. Michael es Alfie, es Harry Palmer jugando al ajedrez, es la clase y la altivez de un lord británico, o la taimada mirada cínica de un buscavidas que ayudó al hombre que pudo reinar...
Michael es Alfie, y no se hable más.
We'll get ya ya ya
We'll get ya ya ya
(I am Michael Caine)
la la la la la la la la
He's walking where I'm afraid I don't know
I see the firemen jumping from the windows
There's panic and I hear somebody scream
He picks up useless paper and puts it in my pocket
I'm trying very hard to keep my fingers clean
I can't remember tell me what's his name
(My name is Michael Caine)
And all I wanted was a word or photograph to keep at home
And all I wanted was a word or photograph to keep
The sun is laughing it's another broken morning
I see a shadow and call out to try and warn him
He didn't seem to hear just turned away
The quiet fellow follows
And points his finger straight at you
He had to sacrifice his pride, yes
And throw it all away
(I am Micheal Caine)
And all I wanted was a word or photograph to keep at home
And all I wanted was a word or photograph to keep
His days are numbered he walks round and round in circles
There is no place he can ever call his own
He seems to jump at the sound of the phone
Staring out the window there's nothing he can now do
All he wanted was to remain sane
He can't remer hisemb own name
(My name is Michael Caine)
And all I wanted was a word or photograph to keep at home
And all I wanted was a word or photograph to keep
All I wanted was a word or photograph
All I wanted was a word or photograph to keep
Madness Michael Caine lyrics
1 comment:
Michael Caine es un maestro, dices bien. Un maestro apreciado por la mayoría más por su constancia que por su talento. Pero es mucho más. Es Alfie, como dices. Es un buscavidas que alcanzó la gloria mientras desempeñaba su rutina. Un genio capaz de pronunciar aquella frase: "Buenas noches, príncipes de Maine, reyes de Nueva Inglaterra", sin que su tono de voz flaquease. Un maestro que supo aplicar las enseñanzas recibidas en aquella maravilla que se tituló "El Hombre que Pudo Reinar".
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